
Is Fracking A Natural Gas?

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In the U.S., the advanced hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling lead to a revolution of natural gas and oil, brining about the dynamic job opportunities and economic growth which affects other industries apart from natural gas and oil field. As a superpower of energy, the United States can make good use of its rich resources with the correct policies and build a bright future for Americans and reduce energy-caused risks globally (Mark Green, 2014).
1.1 Environmental aspect
As fracking is a good process of drilling natural gas, there must be questions like, “Is natural gas alternative?” “How long could people keep drilling?” “Is it environmental friendly?” Actually natural gas is alternative energy and natural form of energy, which can be used to replace traditional fossil fuels like gasoline and diesel (Fracking, 2014a). , The use of natural gas will benefit environment by reducing the harmful polluting emission, for example, SO2 and NO released into the atmosphere. The main constitute of natural gas is CH4 which is less threatening compared with conventional fossil fuel like coal. For the amount of the natural gas, it is very tough to measure the precise data, but new technologies are available everyday. What’s more, there are more rules and new standards of fracking by EPA. Howard Feldman, regulatory director of the American Petroleum Institute, said the EPA would phase in the requirements, requiring all oil and natural-gas wells to be in compliance by January 2015

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