
Is Gerontology A Multidisciplinary Study?

Decent Essays

Gerontology is a multidisciplinary study. We cannot study aging based on a few simple factors. There are many different variables that go into how a person ages. Everyone comes from a different background, different genetics, and goes through different life experiences. This is why no one person can be aged using the same method. The most common way people measure age is through chronological age. Chronological age is simply counting the amount of literal years a person has been alive for. This method of measuring aging is not effective in comparing peoples’ ages. More effective processes to measure aging are “biological (functional capacity), psychological (sensory, mental, personality), and social age (society’s roles and expectations)” [1]. By combining these methods, we can more accurately study the effects of aging on people. It is difficult to pinpoint when aging begins due to the different methods and complexity of measuring age. If we apply the chronological and biological processes, then perhaps aging starts at conception. However, others may argue that aging begins when a baby is born. Nonetheless, we still cannot apply the physiological and social ages too accurately so early on in one’s life. For these reasons, there is no one definitive answer to when aging begins. Furthermore, there are no set primary life stages when looking at the aforementioned aging continuums. As the lecture constantly explains, everyone ages in such different ways that we cannot apply

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