
Is God And Religion Necessary?

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“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” This is the original pledge of allegiance and many will pick up the difference right away and notice two words missing after “one nation.” In fact, on Flag Day 1954, the words “under God” were added to the pledge. Today, this connects to the question: Is god and religion necessary? Is “under God” in the pledge and “In God We Trust” on U.S. currency necessary? Well, the debate is heating up as religion and atheism/agnosticism clash on the role of religion. Although many believe the opposite, religion and even more so organized religion is no longer as necessary as it once was, and in many cases it is more harmful than good. In fact, religious affiliation is declining, so much so that in a 2012 study done by the Pew Religion and Public Life Project it was found that, “More Americans than ever are saying that they are ‘spiritual, but not religious’... nearly a fifth of those polled said that they were not religiously affiliated. That number has increased to 23% in the latest study”(Reiss). This is also seen in a decline of people who believe in a god as millennials(1980-) lead the pack with 25%(Leonhardt). Religion, regardless of its decline, still has its grasp on society and it is seen in the clash between evolution vs. creation and science vs. religious faith. This includes religion in the U.S. where separation

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