
Is Holden Caulfield Relevant Today

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We are all a part of this world therefore we all play a big role in society and we can choose whether to contribute or not. In The Catcher in The Rye by J.D. Salinger, although written in the 1950 the story is a very relevant text for adolescents living in the 21st century. It is a novel about a young delinquent, Holden Caulfield, and through this character, Salinger expresses his views on American culture and society. Today I would like to discuss the ways in which The Catcher in the Rye is still relevant for teenagers by comparing 1950’s adolescent culture to the adolescent culture of today.. The character of Holden Caulfield has been built by Salinger to represent the stereotypical juvenile delinquent. He wears his hat backwards (p.15), swears using words like “goddamn” (p.18) and “crumby” and uses a lot of slang such as “chew the rag” (p.23) meaning to chat and “bucks” (p31) meaning dollars. Holden also involves himself in fights (p.36-39), smokes and flunks out of school these are all actions of rebellion against the expectations of adults. These behaviors highlight Holden’s attitude towards himself and others, and how others may perceive him as a person. Of course, we only appreciate this …show more content…

Sometimes there is so much happening around them that they get overwhelmed . Teenagers bottle up their feelings because they do not want to feel like they are bothering anyone or because they are afraid that they will get judged for it. Which is why Holden feels the need to cry after Phoebe confronts him for the way he's acting. She seems disappointed and Holden already is very insecure about himself, so he breaks down in need for someone to talk to. Such as teenagers now and days, also commonly seen, the way that teens don't like to show their feelings and choose to hold it in and when confronted they break

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