
Is Standardized Testing Effective

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The stress settled in once the word ‘testing’ echoed through the classroom. The students knew what it brought, and they knew how dreadful it would be; sitting in one room, hour after hour and day after day, silent and still, with only the sound of the clock resonating through their heads. Standardized tests are assessments that local and national governments may require their students to take. However, these tests do not properly evaluate their intellect, and only lead to tension and mental strain on a student’s attentiveness. Although many schools believe that these assessments are productive, it is proven that they are not beneficial to students because standardized testing leads to stress and anxiety, it is wasting valuable classroom time, …show more content…

Primarily, the article titled, “Is the Use of Standardized Tests Improving Education in America?” it states, “The multiple-choice format used on standardized tests is an inadequate assessment tool. It encourages a simplistic way of thinking in which there are only right and wrong answers, which doesn't apply in real-world situations” ( There are numerous answers to the everyday simple problems that we, as humans, face. So, who is to say what answer is correct and what answer is not, when you have to read between the lines in a passage or article. Each student has a different point of view, and not always are they wrong. According to an article written by Thomas Armstrong it states, “Standardized tests don’t provide any feedback on how to perform better. The results aren’t even given back to the teachers and students until months later, and there are no instructions provided by test companies on how to improve these test scores” ( This exhibits how the test does not provide any feedback of particular instruction on how to improve, so why take a test when you cannot even reflect off of your right and wrong answers? Also, according to an article written by Susannah Cahalan, it states, “Researchers studied the efficacy of the blots finding that they were worse at predicting job performance or academic success than report cards or even a short questionnaire” ( This study shows that standardized testing, and ‘blots’, do not predict occupations effectively for maturing students. School is finding out what you want to do with the rest of your life, and taking a test that does not correspond with helping you find out what paths you should begin to lead down is not practical. However, many critics belief that standardized testing does accurately test the students and their capabilities. So,

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