
Is Studying Medicine A Good Medicine?

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A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” is a proverb that means always be generous and kind-hearted towards people and this will keep you going in life. Having made a lot of research, I discovered many great opportunities to studying in the United Kingdom. In the UK, there are a lot of higher educational institutions, various courses where one can make a wide range of choices from; English is of high priority and top facilities of high standard that would be of great benefit to my career course. Studying medicine is a tough choice to make considering the fact that you have to be brilliant and dedicated to your studies. All through my High school education, I have exhaustively loved learning science. Hence, it is a big dream of mine to study biomedical sciences at university. I have this impression that my professed love for science will help me broaden my knowledge and understanding of this course. I once unfortunately witnessed a scenario where a young girl was fatally injured and rushed to the hospital but was refused medical attention and later died due to lack of bed space. This undoubtedly aroused a lot of sentiments in me and it inspired me to pick Bio-medical science in order to help people, treat them and make them happy irrespective of ones social status. In addition to this, I get to work with people of different specialties; it’s a safe career path and being a medical doctor gives a lot of reverence and acknowledgement. The

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