
Ishmaels Cruz Gun Control Issue

Decent Essays

Through all the ups and downs, the United States justice system continues to face obvious issues in itself causing a problematic government. On February 14th, 2018, a horrible tragedy took place in Parkland, Florida. Nikolas Cruz, a graduated Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student, waltzed into the freshman building of his former high school and began firing many shots. This terrible school shooting took place on Valentine’s Day, a time normally known for love. Cruz’s actions resulted in 17 casualties of students and teachers. His history is filled with many warnings to police and plenty of psychological issues. All of that was overlooked his whole life, resulting in him being able to buy an assault rifle from Dick’s Sporting Goods without …show more content…

The authorities never acknowledged his behavior, leading to the death of 17 innocent people. “The Gun Control Debate After Parkland” by The New Yorker explains some action being taken by individual companies, “...Dick’s announced that it would no longer carry assault-style rifles or high-capacity machines, and would not sell guns to people under the age of twenty-one...” (Talbot). Although action is now being taken, the amount of time and lives it took to have something done is ridiculous. The justice system is very flawed, considering they had many opportunities to stop Cruz and get him the help he desperately needed. It took a massacre of a normally safe high school to get a store to set restrictions, let alone the government to apply federal laws. Gun control is a real issue; background checks, mental stability tests, and age should all be accounted for when purchasing a gun, or any weapon for that matter. Allowing a 18 year old, who was known to be unstable, walk into a store and buy an assault rifle that was …show more content…

More specifically, the president. Almost one year ago, President Donald Trump completed his cabinet. While normally this is good, Trump filled his cabinet with billionaires who have more experience with money than politics. “Meet the Billionaires who run Trump’s Government” by Newsweek, expresses Trump’s way of running the country like a business, “The New York real estate developers now advising the president spent their professional lives in… city regulators, 50-story crane operators… responsible for the New York skyline…” (Burleigh). While businessmen who understand operational aspects of companies can be useful, this could result in decision making that does not focus on the wants and needs of the people. “Trump voters know they’ve had a government for billionaires… but to have one by billionaires means… setting the nation’s agenda and there is no curtain” (Burleigh). Trump’s choice in his cabinet members is full of businessmen similar to him, men who already have it all. Although these men may be able to manage their government position, hiring those with lots of money and little experience does not seem wise. Flaws like this can lead to even more issues within the justice system. Instead of hiring men with money, men who understand the political roles should be playing a bigger part. The government needs solid people to

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