
Issue On Concealed Carry From The United States

Good Essays

Bruce Pryse

Mrs. Wang

Comp 1


Issue on Concealed Carry in the United States

The Second Amendment has given the right to individuals to keep and bear arms since December, 15th 1791. Even though this has been in the Constitution for 223 years, the issue of gun control and the right to concealed carry has been a growing issue in the United States. Whether citizens should be allowed to legally carry a gun has been a growing debate. In this paper, I will talk about the history of concealed carry, the different types of issuances among the states, and how to obtain your concealed carry license in Wisconsin along with providing concrete evidence with different statistics and stating the pros and cons of the issue. In the old Western days, individuals, mainly men, would carry their firearm with them all the time. They would use their firearms to kill their source of food and also use it for protection. So when did our right to bear arms change? Although there is not a clear shift in when the right changed, there is some history to what started the modern day concealed carry laws. It all started with Zell Miller, the lieutenant governor of Georgia, who introduced a law in 1976 that would allow individuals to carry a gun but it required them to conceal the gun. Other states like Vermont, New Hampshire, Washington and Connecticut also picked up similar laws like in order to carry you need to have a valid insurance or a license. Through the years States like Indiana,

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