
J. H. Sharp The War Boot Maker Analysis

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As long as Europeans have settled America there has been a complicated history involving Native Americans and one of the most apparent places to observe this is through the use of art. There are numerous depictions of American Indians especially dating from the 19th century. At this time White Euro-Americans did not believe that Indigenous people could survive modernity and would be a dying race. This notion can be see through J. H. Sharp’s paintings. The depiction of the man in The War Bonnet Maker becomes problematic due to a superficial understanding of Native American Culture and Spirituality and makes them seem romanticizes. The War Bonnet Maker depicts a Native man seated on a pillow with geometric designs working on a waph’a’ha (headdress) …show more content…

The use of the oil paint falls from broad and gestural to refined and purposeful. Over all the painting style is semi-loose to retain essential information within the painting. The worm colors bring a comforting feel to the piece of thoughtful solitude and prayer. Although this painting depicts what life may have been to Indigenous people in the 19th century, the artist shows his lack of understanding of the culture. Respect is one of the core values to many planes people and respect goes further than the relationship between people but all things in life such as birds and stone and plants. They all have a sprit that is considered a relative. The problematic aspects of this painting are how sacred items are leisurely treated as objects. The three most noteworthy items are the cha’nupa, cansiga, and waph’a’ha. First, the cha’nupa should be propped up or held and not let be lying on the ground and put together. Second, the cansiga should also be propped up and face up at all times. Finally, an eagle feather or waph’a’ha should never touch the ground. These are things that can be damaging to our own understanding of history, Indigenous culture and spirituality. Although this is just one painting a person without the cultural knowledge could see this and believe that the treatment is tolerable since this is a paining from the past and insightful artist. This paining wile well

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