
Jacques De Gheyn

Decent Essays

Art is one of those creations that has a story and influence society in various ways. It is

the expression of one’s thoughts, feelings, observations, experiences and other factors that has a

large effect on culture and symbolic of traits and morals. An artist is defined as someone whose

creative work exemplifies sensitivity and imagination which can be portrayed into a culture.

Artists provide ways for people to explore new possibilities about the world, developing new

perspectives about the place they live, the different cultures of humans where behaviors, ideas

and values are shared among everyone. The overall conclusion of art and culture is that without

culture there would not be art. The world would be not as amazing as it …show more content…

Their still-lifes

conceals more than it reveals. All the objects play an important part that makes the piece as a

whole. The spherical ball in both is considered a soap bubble that can be burst which symbolizes

the frailty of human life and the skull reflects the idea of death where nothing ever last. They are

different in one way and that is the spherical ball shows the reflection of the artist. People can see

who the creator was and he does not have to place his signature upon the piece to make it

official. Jacques de Gheyn’s work is not displayed in the textbook because it was said that he is

not well known.

At the museum, some works that I found interesting are Carlo Crivelli: Madonna and

Child in 1480 (tempera and gold on wood), Niccolo di Pietro: Saint Ursula and Her Maidens in
1410 (tempera and gold on wood), Joos van Cleve: The Last Judgment in 1520 to 1525 (oil on

wood) and Jacopo Tintoretto: The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes in 1545- 1550 (oil on

canvas). I found these to be striking because of its vibrant and bold colors where the details are

revealed and gives off a sense of interest to the human eye. There also ones I had saw in my

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