
Janie's Return To Eatonville: Summary

Satisfactory Essays

The novel starts with Janie's return to Eatonville after Tea Cake's death. Eatonville is significant because it is an all-black town that Janie's second husband Joe Starks was the mayor of before his death. In flash back, the novel tells about Janie's childhood in West Florida, where she grew up with white children on the Washburn's plantation. Then Janie and her grandma moved to their own house. After Janie's first marriage to Logan Killicks, she moved to his sixty-acre farm. Janie wasn't happy despite her security, so she left Logan for Joe Starks, her second husband. Janie and Joe traveled from West Florida to Eatonville, an all-black town where Joe was elected mayor, and Janie had to work in the general store that Joe owned. After

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