
Jasper Jones Quotes

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The 1960's was a really dark period for the many people whose race was noticeably different. Indigenous Australians, in most states were deprived of full citizenship of the new nation on grounds of their race. Restrictive immigration laws were also in place at the time to preference "white" European immigrants to Australia. However, people's perceptions were slowly beginning to change in the late 1960's. During the 1960’s there was much fear that communism would undermine Australian plans for a peaceful and secure future. The outbreak of the Vietnam War was seen as further communist aggression, and additionally inflamed the fear of the "domino effect". As a result, the fear of communism became major political issues. Racism throughout the1960's influenced the characters in the way that it enhanced certain characteristics, and got the readers to …show more content…

The majority of attitudes associated with the people whom live in Corrigan, are that of bias beliefs towards the Lu family. This is due to the fact that the Vietnamese were specifically targeted during the time of the Vietnam War. The idea that families, such as the Lu family, could actually enrich the Australian life, was a completely foreign concept at the time. Throughout ‘Jasper Jones’, communism can be seen to influence the characters, as the fear of it seems to further conflict Charlie in his struggling campaign, standing up for “what is right”, when witnessing the unremitting maltreatment of his friends and their families. The fear of communism also influences the members of the Lu family, as they’re continuously looked down upon by the small town of Corrigan, whom view them as a threat. The majority of these townspeople basically associated the Lu family with being communist, simply because they were

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