
Jazz : The Music Of America

Better Essays

David Kordik

Jazz - The Music of America

During the early 1900’s, a new style of music began to take shape in the colorful city of New Orleans. People from all over the world came to exchange stories, conversation, and music. Although it is a very hard genre of music to define, it is said that Jazz is the combination of European and African music that was brought in via the ports. With mostly an African American population, the musicians shared their music in Storyville - a cultural melting pot, and began to spread the “New Orleans Sound”. They contributed to what would soon be known as Jazz in 1917. The spontaneous nature of Jazz’s syncopation and sound makes it a very humanistic style of music and makes every performance original. Every day we improvise, whether it is in conversation or spur of the moment decisions. These truly unique elements caused Jazz to become a symbol of America, and changed music forever.

The roots of Jazz lie in the southern plantations, where slaves used to sing songs about overcoming adversity, and the troubles that they have encountered. The Blues may possibly be the most emotional form of music and also had the greatest impact on jazz. The twelve bar blues chorus profoundly influenced Jazz’s musical structure gaining mass near the Mississippi Delta, the Blues developed very close to New Orleans - where Jazz was beginning to take shape. To this day, the relationship between Jazz and the Blues remains unbroken. Without New Orleans there would

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