
Jealousy In Othello

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Analyzing William Shakespeare’s’ Othello
There are many different emotions like sadness, happiness, and joyfulness just to name a few that people can experience. One of the most powerful and sometimes dangerous emotions is Jealousy. Jealousy is a powerful emotion that most people experience at some point in their life. However, not everyone is affected in the same way. Some people are filled with insecurity. While others are filled with fear. Most people experience anger. In William Shakespeare’s Othello the audience learns through the characterization of Othello and Iago, the symbolism of the handkerchief, and through Othello denying that he is jealous we learn that jealousy can make people behave irrationally in certain circumstances. …show more content…

Iago warns Othello that “[Desdemona] did deceive her father, marrying [Othello], and when she seemed to shake, and fear your looks, she loved them most.” (Shakespeare 3.3.207-210). We can see that Iago is trying to make Othello jealous by pointing out that Desdemona has already betrayed someone that she loved so what would prevent her from doing it again. Iago manipulates Othello by claiming that Desdemona gave Othello’s handkerchief away “yours by this hand! And to see how [Cassio] prizes the foolish woman, your wife! She gave it to him, and he hath given it to his whore” (Shakespeare 4.1.170-173). The final blow to manipulating Othello, Iago tells him that Desdemona gave Cassio her handkerchief confirming her betrayal. This is the end to behaving rationally for Othello. Mark Rose insist that Iago is “playing his victim [Cassio] with wine has robbed [Cassio of his reputation]. The presentation of Cassio as a decent man changed into a drunken madman foreshadows the actions of Othello to come” (Rose 285). This displays the idea that Iago is manipulating anyone in any way in order to get to Othello. In this case he is manipulating Cassio’s reputation so that later in the play Iago can use Cassio against Othello to make him jealous of his wife cheating on him with Cassio. Iago is easily able to set this in motion because he damaged Cassio’s reputation so much that Othello doesn’t trust him, or want him …show more content…

Othello’s mom gave Othello the handkerchief, and told him to give it to his wife if he should be married. This quote indicates that the handkerchief was then given to Desdemona as a precious valuable item and losing it would be a catastrophe like no other. Lynda Boose argues that “[t]he handkerchief that will become to Othello evidence of her lust [where instead it] has always been evidence of exactly the opposite nature” (Boose 270). This indicates that the handkerchief was a sign of her love but will transform into a sign of her adultery. Although the audience knows that Othello is jealous. Othello himself denies that he has been consumed by jealousy, and that he has been behaving irrationally. Othello claims that “it is the cause, [his] soul. Let me not name it to you, you chaste stars. It is the cause. Yet I’ll not shed [Desdemona’s] blood” (Shakespeare 5.2.1-3). Denying that he is jealous Othello claims that he is not going to kill Desdemona as of this moment. He also insist that the reasoning to killing Desdemona would be because of justice, and not jealousy. After killing Desdemona Othello argues with Emilia that “Cassio did top [Desdemona]. Ask thy husband [Iago] else O, I were damned beneath all depth in hell [b]ut that proceed upon just grounds” (Shakespeare 5.2.139-142). Othello insists that he was justified in killing his wife because she cheated on him with Cassio. Otherwise he would have gone to hell for

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