
Jefferson Vs Madison

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In the election of 1800, Thomas Jefferson, a Democratic-Republican, defeated John Adams of the Federalist party which ignited a political panic within the Federalist party. In a final attempt to maintain Federalist power, John Adams created several federal judgeships which included the justice of the peace commissions which is the position that John Adams nominated William Marbury for. Due to the late nature of these appointees the word did not make it from Secretary of State John Marshall to William Marbury before the new Jefferson administration took over. Thomas Jefferson was not going to let this sort of thing go unnoticed. Jefferson preceded to order the new Secretary of State, James Madison, not to give William Marbury his commission. …show more content…

That is when James Madison was ordered not to give William Marbury his commission because the partisan battle was at such a high level. William Marbury would not accept this as his outcome so he petitioned the court and started with, “No cause has been shown, and the present motion is for a mandamus.” Marbury was essentially stating that James Madison had no right to withhold his commission and that it was in violation of his rights. He argued that his commission was valid and that it would be a tragedy if the court was to rule in favor of Madison over Marbury. It was a strong petition form Marbury that would lead to the most important Supreme Court decisions in …show more content…

Madison was incredibly important to the future of our government because it allowed the Supreme Court to become its own political and constitutional branch of the government. The Supreme Court case set precedence for judicial review which is still used within the court today. The power to review federal legislation was a landmark decision and it has severed its purpose within our federal government for over 200 years. John Marshall’s decision allowed the Republican and Federalist party to proceed without gaining too much political control. The decision also served as another check which balances our federal government to ensure that there is no collaboration within different branches to proceed with federal legislation that would violate the rights of individuals in the United States. Without the power of judicial review, many landmark cases may have ended with a different result. The Supreme Court has used judicial review to rule that the United States government has certain implied powers under the Constitution, it has also ruled that police must inform suspects of their rights before questioning, and that separate schools are not equal. Many of the cases that the Supreme Court has ruled on using judicial review have been landmark cases that have advocated for the rights of individuals and institutions under the laws of the constitution. It has also ruled that the President of the United States is not above the law. Without the

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