
Jewel Of America Research Paper

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America, It’s what some call the Jewel of the world. The land of the free and the home of the brave, but Sometimes, as humans, we forget the sacrifice that was made to make it this way. Think about how our founding fathers that came together to free the colonies from The English forces. Think of the Men and women that fight this very day, this very hour, to keep this country free, protected, and growing.

Over many years in this nation's history America has grown in many ways shapes and forms. Our school systems are being improved, and because of that, more and more of the next generations are getting closer to graduation. The teachers obtain new data and improved ways to teach the geniuses of the future.

Companies produce new technologies that help americas new and upcoming workforce. New tools are made to help the medical field be more precise and effective in their treatments. New systems of communication and travel have become quickly more available. People have even said that in about four years humankind might be able to live on mars. In our age a new phone comes out every few months, allowing better forms of communication. As we look to the future we see that the tech will really be “shocking.” …show more content…

The army, navy, airforce, marines, and the coastguard all help secure and protect the people, old and young. We also can not forget the police, fireman, and first responders. They help in our communities and neighborhoods by preventing crime and helping the people with injuries or problems. There are many types of people that have helped the next generation of americans. We just need to look closer to find them threw the hussle and bussle of daily news and others opinions. Americans gift to the next generation is a better life thanks to the many supporters and citizens in our

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