
Jimmy Carter and the Iranian Hostage Crisis Essays

Decent Essays

Jimmy Carter took office in January 1977 after he overcame his opponent, Gerald Ford, in a close election. Soon after taking office, President Jimmy Carter set a goal to create jobs for the unemployed. President Carter also tried to make the government more useful and efficient by continuing the reforming of the regulatory system that had started during the time of the Nixon Administration. “Jimmy Carter’s plan did bring down the rate of unemployment, but he increased the cost-of-living stimulated by huge oil price hikes in the Middle East that soon dominated the Administration’s domestic agenda.” As Jimmy Carters relationship with Iran grew quickly, the shah of Iran came into communication with Jimmy Carter and he had accepted to protect …show more content…

“The Shah, who had been in exile, contacted the United States and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) put together Operation AJAX to drive Mossadegh from Iran and put himself back in power.” The Shah also followed up on the United States idea and he started a unique police group that was officially called SAVAX. The CIA trained these people and they were not really big fans of the Iranian people. This group had special skills that one police officer normally wouldn’t have, all of the members of SAVAX also had the talent of spying which was used for listening in on the Iranian citizens.
The shah of Iran became really sick with lymphoma and President Carter allowed him to gain access into the U.S. for medical treatment. This action caused a lot of commotion in Iran and caused the Iranian Hostage Crisis. With the shah still sick, it was hard to manage what was back in Iran. The speed of change in Iran was too hard to get command. “The shah was in trouble, reaping the harvest of years of brutal and unpopular policies, including the use of secret police that controlled dissent with arbitrary arrests and torture.” It was obvious that the shah had lost all control of his people of Iran, but the president had hoped for an alliance of opponents to be formed. A man

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