
John Wooden Pyramid Of Success Essay

Decent Essays

Success is something that all people strive for in life. Google defines success as the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. John Wooden, one of the most successful basketball coaches of all time, defines success as peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming. For you to understand of success I will explain the success from John Wooden’s pyramid of success, examples of success from the movie Hoosiers and our Skype with Bobby Plump, and success in my life.
John Wooden is a man that knows what success is. Three of the most important traits from Wooden’s pyramid are competitive greatness, confidence, and enthusiasm. Competitive greatness is being …show more content…

He ended up drinking again and when to rehab, successfully leading him to sobriety. The Skype call with Bobby Plump let us listen to a successful man. He was successful in high school winning the state championship in Milan. This was deemed to be The Milan Miracle of 1954. He went on to play in college, and was one of the best free throw shooters. His pro career ended abruptly from a collapsed lung. After Plump recovered, he played competitive basketball till he was 72. This is success in itself for anyone to play competitively at that age.
Lastly, I will explain some of the successes in my life. Sports are a big part of my life and they have been relatively successful for me. Let’s start with football. When I was on JV, I never lost a game, and beat all opponents by a hefty margin. My freshman year alone, we outscored other teams 394- 96. We faltered my junior year, losing our first game in the playoffs for a record of 6-4. Even though we lost four games they were all within a touchdown. My senior year was one of the best. We only lost one game in the regular season, and lost our last game in the playoffs by one score both times to the same team. My overall record is 33-6. From this amazing year, I got the second team all-conference award. This is just one successful sport; I also participate in wrestling. As a team we were very successful. We beat almost every team we faced and won our division as well as our region. At states we lost

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