
Jonathan Swift Poetry Analysis

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In the early twentieth century Ireland two poets were well known for their radicals views of the country. Theirs names were Antoine Raftery and Jonathan Swift. Raftery was a blind man that was able to get by from traveling and singing or telling stories about Ireland. A lot of his tales were based on how beautiful all the nature was and how connected the people were to it. He makes this point because of the hard times in Ireland due to the French rule. The French did not care about how poor the majority of Ireland was. Swift is another poet of the time who was more focused on bringing forward the idea to rebel against the French. He would not come right out and say this in his work but would instead suggest different points of action like in his poem A Modest Proposal. Their work did not have a great effect until later when a poet by the name William Butler Yeats, based his poem Cathleen ni Houlihan, off of their inspiration. In Rafterty’s poem County Mayo he talks about the land of plenty. This is the town where he was born and can remember how it was before the French took control. Being a poor, blind, old man he would ask to stay with people and in exchange he would tell his stories. He was almost always on the move so many people heard of his tales and he became well known. The people he would stay with were the common people, often poor farmers who loved to hear about the natural beauty of Ireland. In his stories he would tell of the land of plenty and how it was now

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