
Josef Mengele Research Paper

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Dr. Josef Mengele was a highly unpopular Nazi doctor who performed many horrific operations which put many men, women and children to rest. He was a cruel man and he was fascinated with twins, yet with all the sickening experiments he escaped prosecution. Josef Mengele was the eldest son of Karl Mengele, and was born the sixteenth of March, 1911 (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, August 18 2015). He was thought of as a smart, serious and showed obvious intelligent with ambition. In 1937 Mengele joined the Nazi party and then in June 1940 he was drafted into the army. He fought in the Russian Campaign and he was so badly wounded that he was considered unfit. He began his career at Auschwitz in the spring of 1943 as a medical officer. At Auschwitz he began performing many fatal operations. Josef Mengele’s fascination with twins put as many as 1500 (3000 boys and girls) sets of permanently to sleep (Jamie Frater, March 14, 2008). He had an attraction with them, but in particular, identical twins. He attempted to work with genetics, by working through Vershuer who was famous for experimenting with twins to be able to trace the …show more content…

These experiments included trying to change eye colour by injecting chemicals into the eye after this was performed his patients became blind or their eyes became infected (Jamie Frater, March 14, 2008). He also tested body rewarming by having the subjects sit in ice water and then have them stand outside, many of these subjects passed away (Jamie Frater, March 14, 2008). Along with this he also performed transfusions and amputations, and sewed twins together in an attempt to make conjoined twins and many people became infected and carried diseases (Louis Bülow, 2013). Although he performed many cruel operations he did treat his twins with good care. He would bring them chocolates, clothes and lollies and most of the children referred to him as uncle (Louis Bülow,

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