
Joseph Stalin Totalitarianism

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Totalitarianism is a system of government in which the state acts to extends its absolute authority and power into all aspects of its citizen’s lives and have that population be completely under the control of a totally pervasive ruling ideology of a single leader. The essence of totalitarianism can be found in its very name; it is a form of rule in which the government attempts to maintain 'total' control over society, and further seeks to meld that state’s beliefs within that societies core roots, an example of this occurrence can be liquidised through Stalin and his methods in Russia during the 1920’s and 30’s. Carl Friedrich’s, a late political scientist and historian of the 20th century formed the basis of a totalitarian …show more content…

The society and environment that he developed in as a child was a pivotal in the formation of his renowned, stern character. Joseph Stalin was born into a poor family in Georgia 1879. Throughout his childhood, Stalin and his mother were both subjugated to violence and domestic abuse from his alcoholic father. , this undeniably would have additionally lead to Stalin's tyrannical persona and totalitarian governance. Throughout Josephs life he was groomed to be a priest, he was enrolled in numerous church schools and was even indoctrinated into the Tiflis theological seminary school in Georgia's capital. During this period of history there was a rapid increase for the russification of neighbouring Slavic states, like Georgia under orders of the Russian czar, this in turn may have also lead to Stalin's hate towards the tsarist monarchy and participation in revolutionary groups during later years. For most life in the seminary school was a tedious, structured routine in which students were only allowed to read books approved by the schools authorities, this further sparked his hatred towards authority and continued through his own political thought. As well as

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