
Judaism, Christianity, And Islam

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Many times people got into fights, end friendships, and become even violence because of some disagreements on matters of faith or religious. Sometimes knowing more about other religions might help people avoid conflicts between each other, and eventually might lead to living together peacefully. The most famous three religions -People of the book- are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Judaism is the oldest organized religion in the world; however, it only has 14 million followers around the world most of them centered in North America and Israel. Christianity, came after Judaism and have two billion believers around the world, and that’s about one third of the world population. Finally, Islam came after Judaism and Christianity. Even though Islam came afterwards, it spread quickly around the world, and today there are around 1.3 billion Muslims around the world. Although those three religions might look very different on the outside, they have much more in common than people might think. The first thing I found that is almost the same in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is they are all Monotheism. The meaning of that is they believe in one God, and he is all knowing, all seeing, and all powerful. They believe that they need God to help them because humans are subject to sin. The three religions also believe in good and evil and that humans choose which they want to be. Other common things are Heaven and Hell. Basically they believe that doing good deeds and not committing

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