
Juliet: The Struggle Between Romeo And Juliet

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When Juliet finds out that Tybalt has been killed and Romeo is in exile, for killing Tybalt, Juliet feels both passionate about Romeo and disappointed in both Romeo and herself, which reveal her inner struggle. In Act 3, Juliet’s Nurse comes back with this news that Tybalt is dead and that Romeo is such an awful person for killing him. Juliet fights back at the Nurse, and herself, for speaking bad about Romeo. She claims, ““Shall I speak ill of him that is my husband? Ah, poor my lord, what tongue shall smooth thy name, When I, thy three hours' wife, have mangled it? But wherefore, villain, didst thou kill my cousin? That villain cousin would have killed my husband.” (3.2.99-101). This shows that Juliet is passionate about Romeo, because first of all, she says that she was wrong to say bad things about her husband. …show more content…

Juliet has came to the conclusion that since Romeo is her husband, even though he killed her own cousin, that she should always have his back. Also, Juliet even threatens her Nurse, someone who she has trusted and has been with since birth. She threatened to have sores over her tongue. Juliet has had this passion, out of nowhere. She just met Romeo recently, and decides to be passionate about him because she thinks that marrying him will help the feud between the Montagues and Capulets and that Romeo is attractive, so therefore he is a good man. In fact, this isn’t true. Romeo has killed a Capulet over Juliet, Tybalt! Juliet’s passion about Romeo has driven her to do many crazy things. Lastly, Juliet feels the need to defend herself in the end. Juliet says that it is a good thing that Romeo killed Tybalt because Tybalt would have killed Romeo. She thinks it’s better to have Romeo alive than her own

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