
Juno Essay

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The purpose of this assignment is to discuss and evaluate the movie, Juno using the Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory. The ecological theory refers to the process of interaction between the systems and within through a bi-directional influences. It consists of four levels of systems – Micro, Meso, Exo and Macro.

In this movie, Juno, it features a junior teen confronted by an unplanned pregnancy by her classmate, Paulie Bleeker. With the help of her close friend, Leah, she found a pair of ‘perfect’ adoptive couple for her unborn child – Mark and Vanessa Lorings from the penny saver advertisement. Juno has the full support of her parents as she embarked on the journey of adulthood, in search of her identity and making …show more content…

There is a social stigma of becoming a single mother when one is still pursuing her education. With the increasing cost of better quality health care, who will be responsible for the unborn child’s medical and immunization needs? In Asian culture, relatives will raise eyebrows and question the upbringing of the family. It will be deem as bringing shame and disgrace to the family. But look at the case of Vanessa, despite being in the end divorce to Mark – She is able to bring the child up solely and has the capabilities to look after the little one just like Juno step mother even though is not biological. Once your mind is made up for a choice or decision, it is unlikely that one will give up without trying. Vanessa has always wanted to be a mum and mention to Mark of having a family portrait hung in the baby’s room. Instead, it was Juno’s note to Vanessa in replacement to the family portrait. To Vanessa, it will always be her source of motivation in parenting for coming so far to fulfil her dream and duty as a mother to her adopted child.

In United States, sexual media imagery is widely available for the adolescents. It ranges from television shows, commercials, magazines, web sites and lyrics of the latest popular song. This is extremely disturbing when majority of the adolescents are not emotionally prepared to handle any sexual related experiences.

According to the National

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