
Just A Thought : Piper Cameron Lee

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Just a Thought

I always think about Piper Cameron Lee, the most beautiful girl in the world. Everyday when I see her in the hallway, it 's as if I need to stop whatever I 'm doing and stare at her. Those couple times she looks back at me, my stomach twists and turns and is filled with desire for Piper. Her gorgeous, silky blonde hair flows side to side when she walks. When she struts past me, I can smell the sweet aroma of her perfume. I love listening to the way she talks and giggles. Piper is the girl of my dreams. I want to ask her to be my girlfriend because I believe that we would be the best couple of Whitney High School. Or even the best couple in all of California.
"Logan, catch the football!" I faintly hear my father scream.
"Wha-what?" I quietly muttered snapping out of my daydream. Next thing I know, a football comes spiraling towards my lower ribs at a thousand miles per hour. Having the air knocked out of me, I froze in my half-standing position until oxygen reached my lungs. My dad rushes over to me almost tripping over himself. I lay down on the grass in my backyard, clutching my aching upper abdomens.
"Dad, didn 't you see that I wasn 't paying attention?" I say, straining to speak.
"I 'm sorry, Logan but what 's wrong, you never zone out while we 're playing football! Is there something on your mind or something that 's bothering you?" He questions me.
"Uh-um, no dad it 's nothing. Sorry, let 's just get back to the game," I lied. I didn 't want to

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