
Kangxi Emperor's Southern Inspection Tour Analysis

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“The Kangxi emperor’s southern inspection tour” was created in Qing dynasty and completed in 6 years. It fully demonstrated the Kangxi South Tour of the grand occasion. Twelve volumes are no longer complete, only handed down nine of them. They are collected in the Beijing Palace Museum; Paris, France, and the United States Museum of Fine Arts and the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. The artist of “the Kangxi emperor’s southern inspection tour” was made by several artists. The total design and all the mountain, water, trees, stone are from Wang Hui handwriting, characters and cattle and horses were created by Yang Jin, houses, boats painted by the inner court painters. Thereinto, Wang Hui was famous one and he is the leader of this small painter group. Wang Hui is a famous painter from Qing dynasty. Wang Hui was born in Jiang Su Province. Wang Hui was interested painting in his childhood, and show extraordinary painting talent in early age. Wang Hui’s character isn’t single, he married up different style together. He got the calligraphy pen style from Huang GongWang and Wang Meng and composition of perfect combination from Ju Ran and Fan Kuan, combining for …show more content…

The whole work has a large number of different characters’ people but each of them has been described in detail. Everyone is varying in gestures and full of charm. The houses and boats are well orderly. The trees are flourishing which makes the whole picture has a different aroma. Works with distinctive colors and neat way, actual and meticulous expression of the customs, rivers, historical sites and commercial prosperity of the situation. And each volume has Kangxi Emperor's seal. To a certain extent, the performance of the early Qing Dynasty social life and people's productive labor, so this volume has a precious historical value and artistic

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