
Kant Causality

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When Hume writes that causality is not real and that we cannot know the cause of anything because the cause cannot be seen, Kant takes notice. Hume believed that we can see two events, in which one follows the other, but we cannot connect these two events in any causal relationship (Kant, 7.) We are not able to say one event was the cause of another, instead, we can only say that the two events happened in sequence. Hume believes that because there are no causal connections, and because metaphysics deals with these causal connections, there can be no metaphysics. Kant is now awakened from his dogmatic slumber and wants to correct Hume’s critique on causality. Kant believes that Hume’s critique does not just destroy metaphysics, but the …show more content…

Kant is not looking to take any part of what the historical philosophers posited for granted, instead, he wants to clear the slate and be able to create a new era of epistemological thought. He wants to delve into what knowledge is and be able to prove the possibilities and limitations of knowledge. Kant realizes that his project has never been attempted before and Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Hume, Descartes, and others believed that knowledge about the world was possible, but Kant was now going to question this notion (Kant, 6.) It must be asked if anything like metaphysics can be a real body of knowledge? Can the human mind really pronounce supersensible creatures before we analyze the mind that is doing the pronouncing? Kant would say that we have entered into a region of subjectivity that has not been seriously contemplated in the past and that all reason is limited, therefore we cannot know certain metaphysical concepts (Kant, 27.) He believes that the mind is finite and therefore cannot proclaim anything that is beyond what is experienced, all we can know is what is in the realm of our experience. Classical metaphysics, according to Kant, is a pretense to wisdom but is not wisdom itself because Kant’s wisdom is to understand the human mind and its limitations, which classical metaphysics does

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