
Karl Marx And Max Weber

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1. Class
Karl Marx and Max Weber both identify economic position as being a key factor in social stratification. Marx uses the Materialist Conception of History as his basic premise to show that there exist two classes which are in opposition to one another, and that they are in constant social conflict with one another due to the structure of capitalism itself. Weber, on the other hand, describes class as being an objective measure of wealth, with conflict not between classes but within them. Although Marx and Weber both conclude that societies contain substantial economic class inequalities, their conclusions differ greatly. Marx defines class systematically, as a position within the mode of production, and Weber defines it comparatively, as the amount of wealth one owns, and thus they disagree on whether this economic stratification is a source of social conflict.
Marx defines class as a position within the mode of production. This stems from his basic premise of the Materialist Conception of History, which states that societies are structured by how they organize the means of production, which are the raw materials and tools necessary to produce items for consumption and commodities for sale. In a capitalist society, this means that the labourer takes a wage for the exact amount of time he or she has put into production. The class system is thus organized into the bourgeoisie, who own the means of production, and the proletariat, who must sell their labour in order to

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