
Karl Marx 's Philosophy On The Development Of The Bourgeoisie

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Philosopher Karl Marx claims humanity is best understood through philosophical explanations. In order to understand humans and their history, one should look at philosophy. Marx basis his ideas off of the Hegelian dialect – start with a thesis; once something contrary to that arises, develop an antithesis. When the tension between the thesis and antithesis resolves, you get the synthesis. The synthesis then becomes a thesis and develops its own antithesis and then another synthesis. Based on Marx’s claim, history unfolds and develops just as the Hegelian dialect does. When two groups of people co-exist in a society (one who have power and ones who don’t), there is conflict. Those two aspects of society then work out their differences and create a new, better society. This is known as the manifesto. In this paper I will talk about Marx’s take on the development of the bourgeoisie (the upper class), the proletariat (the lower class) and capitalism. Marx believes the bourgeoisie came out of the middle ages. He claims they were once the lower class. During the middle ages, the ruling class consisted of kings and queens, the feudal class. Following the Hegelian dialect, the normal people will get fed up of those more powerful, leading to internal contradictions. The bourgeoisie took charge of trade, as the traded the way nobility could not. The bourgeoisie worked as merchants and used trade to climb up the social ladder. They overthrew nobility, becoming the new upper class and

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