
Key Informants Characteristics

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Table 3 shows characteristics of the seven key informants. Informants had an average continuous process improvement experience at least 22 years with majority of their health care experience being in large academic tertiary hospitals and military hospitals. All of the informants were formally trained in LSS and achieved the certification level of Master Black Belt. In Lean Six Sigma programs, the Master Black Belt certification level is the highest level attainable and symbolizes mastery of LSS topics and experiences in leading large-scale LSS process improvement projects (Gygi, Williams, & Covey, 2012). Key informants provided six common themes to barriers that impacts sustainability of LSS improvements in health care, and are explained below. These six themes were categorized further into two main topics: lack of leadership commitment to drive a culture of quality and inadequately trained and unqualified LSS practitioners to execute LSS projects in health care. Barriers Related to Lack of Leadership Support There were three themes that described how the lack of leadership commitment to drive a culture of quality contributes to a breakdown in project success in sustaining the improvement gains of LSS projects. Insufficient Leadership Commitment and Support …show more content…

Informants also mentioned lack of leadership engagement and commitment is a major barrier for any transformation initiative and directly applies to LSS success, because without it, LSS programs lack critical success factors such as continuous process improvement (CPI) governance that drives project sponsorship, continuous performance monitoring and evaluation from leadership of LSS projects, and investment in the people through robust training and recognition

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