
Key Success Factors for a Commercial Bank in Dar Es Salaam.

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2.0 Key Success factors for a Commercial Bank in Dar es Salaam.

2.1 Branch network
One of the most important factors that commercial bank must possess to be successful in Dar es Salaam is branch network. Branches are the distribution channels for the bank services and a well spread network of branches provide the bank with ability to reach the mass population of the Dar es Salaam city. As important as the number of branches is the location of these branches. Those banks that have managed to identify the right location and managed to put a branch on those locations have proved to be taking the most advantage of the market than those with fewer non-strategically placed branches. As an example, branches located at Mlimani City, Central …show more content…

2.6 Public relations and marketing strength
As a resident in Dar es Salaam you must have come a cross NBC’s Mobile Clinic, CRDB’s Student Business and daily on TV, Radio, Newspaper you hear so and so bank has donated desks to a school, mattresses to hospitals e.t.c. You walk or drive around the city you will see big Billboards with appealing advertisements by banks either trying to convince you to use their services or just reminding you of them, lotteries to win overseas trips just from opening an account. All these are massive efforts by banks to Market themselves as well as trying to maintain good relations with the public. For a bank to be successful one of the key factors it must pay attention to and strategically plan for is Marketing and Public Relations.

2.7 ICT infrastructure
We have mention Branch and ATM network, Customer Service and Innovation as one of the key success factors for a bank, but all these will be unfruitful if there is no proper ICT platform to support them. To be able to take full advantage of the opportunities in the market and combat threats a bank must have an up to date strategically planned and implemented ICT infrastructure. In 2010 CRDB and NBC made entire bank systems upgrades, announcements were made on Radio, TV, Newspapers of the changes and their implication to the services offered. This is an example of organizations that have

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