
Kidney Disease And Its Effect On The Human Body

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The kidneys are essential towards the human body; They maintain fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balance. Also, they excrete waste products, like urine, help control blood pressure, and blood cell production. The nephrons inside the kidneys, responsible for removing waste products, can become damaged. Thus, will be the start of kidney disease. Chronic Kidney Disease is constant nephron damage for several years. In Addition to the damage of the nephrons there’s a decrease in glomerular filtration rate (GFR). GFR is a test that measures how well your kidneys are working. One of the major causes of CKD is diabetes and hypertension. (Silberberg, 2015) If CKD progress without the proper medical help, it will result to kidney failure and a transplant or dialysis may be necessary. Along with all other diseases, kidney diseases have a negative effect on metabolism, nutritional status and nutritional requirements. Patients with chronic kidney disease should limit their intake on protein, sodium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus (Dudek., 2014) The purpose of this paper is to discuss the macro and micronutrients important to prevent chronic kidney disease.
The goals of nutritional therapy are to make sure that CKD does not progress. Patients with CKD have to rearrange their diet to help monitor their disease. People with non-diabetic CKD should avoid consuming excess protein because it leads to proteinuria. Having protein in your urine means that it skipped through the filtration

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