
Killer Cnidarian Case

Decent Essays

The Case of the Killer Cnidarians There are many Cnidarians that live and thrive in our tropical waters. Although most are harmless to humans, there are some that can kill you in a matter of minutes. The Cnidarians defend themselves with their stinging cells called nematocysts. When a predator or threat comes too close and brushes against its tentacles, it injects toxins into the blood stream and often effecting the nervous system. In most cases, if a very dangerous jellyfish is spotted along a stretch of beach, the life guards will close down that beach. The Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia), is common to be spotted in warmer waters around the world. Its tentacles can grow up to 165 feet and have a plastic like “sail” that floats on the surface. In …show more content…

This jellyfish is known to thrive in Northern Australia, Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean. The Sea Wasp has a bell that can reach almost ten inches in diameter. The tentacles can reach as long as fifteen feet. This jellyfish has been known to cause many deaths and can kill a person within minutes of being stung. Children are especially vulnerable to death because they are smaller in size and the venom disperses throughout the body at a faster rate. When a human makes contact with the box jelly’s tentacles the skin will swell up and a brown or purple lines start to appear. Doctors have developed antivenin but usually the victim dies before they can receive it. The Irukandji is another potent jellyfish that has caused several fatalities. Mostly common to Northern Australia in deeper waters, they have been known to periodically come into shallow waters by ocean currents. It is one of the smallest of the Cnidarians and can really pack a punch for its size. It is only one inch in length and has four tentacles that are also about one inch in length. They are virtually impossible to spot because of their size and

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