
Knowledge Management Strategy And Metrics

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Knowledge Management Strategy & Metrics Knowledge management often involves isolating and planning intellectual assets within an organization, producing new knowledge for competitive advantages within the organization, making vast amounts of corporate information accessible. Knowledge management can be hard to interpret or explain. How would a nurse or doctor define “health care” succinctly? How would a CEO explain “management”? Each of these areas is very complex, with many sub-areas of specialization. This in turn leads to the question “What is Knowledge Management Strategy & Metrics”?
What Is Knowledge? Some may ask, aren 't we managing knowledge already? Truth is, no! We are actually just making a really huge mess of managing information. “Knowledge has two simple explanations of interest. The first part deals with a defined body of information. Depending on the meaning, the body of the information might consist of facts, opinions, ideas, theories, principles, and models. Knowledge also refers to a person’s state of being with respect to some body of information. These states include; ignorance, awareness, familiarity, understanding, facility, and so on” (Barclay, R., & Murray, P. (1997). In traditional perceptions of the role of knowledge in business organizations, tacit knowledge is often viewed as the real key to getting things done and creating new value. There are two forms of knowledge that can be found in any organization:
• Explicit – Formal codified

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