
Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron

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The publication date for “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. was October 1961, making it a coincidence to the Cold War which took place from 1945-1991. Harrison Bergeron is a story that portrayed competition as evil and equality was the way to go in life. Similar to the Cold war, the USSR was also passionate in being equal. If Harrison Bergeron was a commentary on the Cold War ideological struggle between the USA and the USSR, it would have taken the USSR’s side. Although the story and the USSR have different views of wanting equality (the story wanted more equality in looks, intelligence and strengths, where, the USSR was wanting more equality towards the economy.), it does not change that both have strong beliefs in equality. For example, in the story, people are permitted to wear handicap radios, weights, …show more content…

Based on this quote, you can see that no matter who you are or what you do, there are still rules you must follow. No one gets any special treatment. This shows that this story would take the USSR’s side in the Cold War because everybody had the same salary, ignoring what kind of job the person had or how great the job was. Even if the person does poorly on their job, they will still get paid the same as the one doing great on their job. Looking deeper, it seems like Vonnegut was making a point about equality and competition. He must be thinking that living in a world full of equality would be much better than living in a world of competition. Equality, in a way, will protect you and competition can get too far, to the point where violence comes in. For instance, Harrison was tired of living with handicaps on him all the time and it angered him that everyone had to be equal, leading him to rebel and saying “I am the

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