
LABORATORY REPORT Activity Homeostatic Imbalances of Thyroid Function

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Homeostatic Imbalances of Thyroid Function


Miranda Tefft


Aline Potvin



TSH levels in patients with primary hypothyroidism are high Thyroxine (T4) levels in patients with primary hypothyroidism are low TSH levels in patients with secondary hypothyroidism are low Thyroxine (T4) levels in patients with secondary hypothyroidism are low TSH levels in patients with hyperthyroidism are low Thyroxine (T4) levels in patients with hyperthyroidism are high Materials and Methods
1. Name the Dependent Variable. blood levels of TSH and thyroxine and accumulation of radioactive iodine in thyroid
2. Name the Independent Variable. thyroid activity
3. Name the Controlled …show more content…

This lessens the amount of thyroid available to uptake the iodine.
c. Subject with hyperthyroidism.
The iodine uptake with hyperthyroidism is greater than normal. This means that the body produces too much thyroid, meaning there is too much thyroid absorbing the iodine. This causes the iodine up take to be too much.

3. State how hypothyroidism affects each of the following and describe the mechanism by which this change occurs.
Laboratory Report/ Miranda Tefft/ Homeostatic Imbalances of Thyroid Function/ Aline Potvin/ 11.18.2014/ Page [2] of [3]

a. body temperature
Hypothyroidism can affect the body temperature because it slows down the metabolism. This causes the energy produced to be less. With that being said, the bodies functions slow down so the body temperature drops.
b. heart rate
Hypothyroidism decreases the heart rate. This is because the body functions slow down. When the body functions slow down, the heart doesn't need to work as hard and as fast to maintain homeostasis.

4. State how hyperthyroidism affects each of the following and describe the mechanism by which this change occurs.
a. body temperature
The body temperature is affected by hyperthyroidism. The body temperature rises because the metabolism is sped up. There is more energy that is produced and the organs in the body are functioning faster than normal increasing the body temperature.
b. heart rate
The heart rate is increased when there is hyperthyroidism present in the

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