
LSGI1B02 Assignment Instructions 150528

Better Essays

Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics
LSGI1B02 Climate Change and Society
Assignment - Semester 3 2014-15
In considering solutions to the problem of global warming, state whether you agree with the statement by Tickell ((1996), in Houghton, Chapter 8 p.210) “Mostly we know what to do but we lack the will to do it”. Give reasoned arguments in support of your opinion.
Weighting: 40% of subject assessment (10% by ELC, 30% by Subject Leader)
1. Submit the first draft (1000 words) to ELC via Learn@PolyU by 11:59 pm, 12 Friday, June 2015.
2. The first draft should already have the basic structure with major section headings and sub-headings, as well as an indication of what you intend to put in each section.
3. Submit …show more content…

For example, you can consider different human communities/countries and their beliefs and value systems which may influence what they know about climate change and what they are doing about it. Or you may take an approach starting with those countries/communities which are doing most/least about global warming and analysing why in terms of their level of knowledge or the main values in society.
The essay is not about the causes, processes, consequences or remedies of climate change NB. This course is Climate Change and Society with emphasis on society’s response.
The conclusion should restate your stance on the statement and summarize the main arguments in the body. You should also briefly discuss the implications based on the arguments in the body of the essay.
In the references section, you should list all the sources you have referred to such as journal articles and books by following the APA format. At least 5 sources should be included. Web-based materials that lack reliability should be avoided. All sources must be cited in the paragraphs of the essay. Refer to the following websites for the APA style: Marking criteria by subject leader
1 Content (30%): task fulfilment; relevance and comprehensiveness of information provided about topic; logic and

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