
Lab 1 Carbohydrates Bch2333 Essay example

Decent Essays

Lab BCH 2333


Lab 1 Carbohydrates: Separation Techniques Based on Molecular Size


Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

Team #4




The purpose of this experiment is to exemplify how differences in molecular weight allow separation of polymers from their monomers. Methods of dialysis and gel filtration chromatography will be used to separate a glucose monomer from a starch polymer. Colorimetric glucose oxidase assay will be used to monitor the presence of glucose and a colorimetric iodine assay will be used to monitor the presence of starch in prepared solutions after separation

Results and Discussion

Table 1: Glucose oxidase …show more content…



**Glucose and Starch graphs are separated because of the significantly different concentrations of the two which obscures the graphs when plotted together

Figure 1 Concentration of glucose relative to elution volume. Graph plotted using Excel. The equation of the line is represented by a 6th order polynomial (y = -4E-08x6 + 8E-06x5 - 0.0006x4 + 0.0184x3 - 0.2952x2 + 2.0705x - 4.6828) with a regression R² = 0.75191.


Figure 2 Concentration starch relative to elution volume. Graph plotted using Excel. The equation of the line is represented by a 6th order polynomial (y = 1E-09x6 - 2E-07x5 + 1E-05x4 - 0.0004x3 + 0.0063x2 - 0.0379x + 0.0784) with a regression of R² = 0.4605.

Analysis of Graphs

Three peaks are observed in Figure 1 (concentration of glucose vs. elution volume) which was expected due to the results in table 4 that show intervals of elution. The intervals of the elution are represented as peaks on the graph. The intervals are due to the glucose molecules that enter the beads of the column causing the glucose molecules to elute slowly. Two peaks are observed in Figure 2 (concentration of starch vs. elution volume), which was not expected. One peak was expected for the

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