
Lab Safety Code At Biosafety Labs

Decent Essays

Chemistry laboratories pose a threat to the consumer; however, they also affect the researcher. A young Singaporean researcher contracted Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) through an experiment that had gone wrong. At first many people thought he was sickened with this disease because there was a SARS crisis all around Asia; however, that was not the case. In the article, SARS Experts want Labs to Improve Safety Practices, the researcher claimed that he “didn’t have the background to understand how to handle dangerous agents.” Due to the chemistry lab, the researcher was injured. This then formulated an international problem in which the national legislation instructed a very detailed safety code at biosafety labs. Many amateur experimenters do not know lab safety by heart so they tend to perform dangerous actions that may lead to injuries or death depending on how potentially dangerous the experiment is. In my personal experiences, I have seen many improper lab practices in which I helped teach people how to correctly perform these actions. This includes adding acids to water and not the reverse way because acids may bubble and splash everywhere, pouring liquids from small containers to big containers unless a valve is available is favored because it is easier to spill the content from a big container into the small container, and to wear close-toed shoes in order to prevent falling dangerous materials from making contact with skin. As one may see, there are very

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