
Lab Write Up : Wisconsin Fast Plant

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Lab Write Up: Wisconsin Fast Plant

Butterworth JISA Biology 6th

Samantha Summerville


In a plant’s life cycle, there are a few key details such as germination, growth, egg or sperm production, pollination, seed production and dispersal, and finally death. In the germination phase the seed sprouts after a certain exposure to light, temperature, and moisture (Pima Community College). In the growth stage the sprout turns into a mature plant, this is followed by the production of an egg or sperm and then pollinated by other pollen transferred by the wind or an animal. Next is the seed production when the embryo and endosperm get a seed coat to form a new seed, the dispersal of the seed occurs it is transferred from the parent by interaction with an animal. Finally death, it’s pretty obvious, death is when the plant dies.
The dictionary definition for plant development is “a multiphasic process in which two distinct forms succeed each other in alternating generations” (Harrison ). In other words a process with many stages of growth. A good example of development is when the flowers have bloomed and are opening up. The flowers are already there but they are furthering their growth.
Observing the Wisconsin Fast-Plants was a monitoring experiment, we were just observers to the natural life cycle of these plants, and we did not influence their growth in any way that would not occur naturally. We took notes and observations about each stage of

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