
Label Or Not, The Gmo Dilemma

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Label or not, the GMO dilemma We have been participating in a mass scale biotech agricultural experiment for over twenty years. Since the mid-1990s the U.S population has been consuming Genetically Engineered (GE) foods or foods that contain Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) without having done enough research to assess its long time effects on humans. According to the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA), agency responsible for protecting the public’s health and safety, “genetic engineering is the name given to certain methods that scientists use to introduce new traits or characteristics to organisms.” In other words, scientists modify the structure of plants or animals by removing some of their DNA material; or by inserting that …show more content…

My own view is that whether or not GMOs are bad for human health, they should still be labeled. To this date, GMOs Mandatory labeling remains optional which has led to deceptive advertising. This kind of deception prevents consumer from knowing the exact ingredients of their foods, prevents scientists from identifying the effects of the consumption of GMOs and causes consumer’s mistrust of the Food and Drug Administration agency. In other words, Optional labeling of GMOs allows deceptive marketing, prevents people from recognizing GMOs side Effects, and causes mistrust towards the FDA. Optional labeling of foods containing GMOs allows their marketers to engage in misleading food advertising. Buyers frequently rely on labels to get a full description of their foods. Leaving out the fact that a product contains GMOs is misleading. It is almost the same as avoiding to mention a specific ingredient in a food. For instance, many foods sold as “all natural” have great amounts of GMOs in them. Consumers have no way of knowing this, because GMOs are not labeled on the package. Many people assume that foods labeled as “all natural” are minimally processed, unmodified and contain no modified organisms. In other words, when buyers read the “all natural” statement on a label, they usually consider that natural indicates straight from mother earth. However, GMOs are not

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