
Labor Unions Role In The Industrial Revolution

Decent Essays

Essay 1
Labor unions have been around ever since the industrial revolution in Europe when working conditions in factories were very low. The concepts introduced in this time by the labor unions have become ingrained in our culture here in America. While workers benefit when they join a union by being able to fight for higher wages and better working conditions, these benefits that the unions get often “come at the expense of consumers, nonunion workers, the jobless, taxpayers, and owners of corporations” (Reynolds). Unions, while once playing a very beneficial role in history, are no longer all that necessary and may even be hurting all those outside of the union workers that they help. Since their creation in the industrial revolution in …show more content…

Currently, unions are able to deny workers of the “right to represent themselves”, and force workers to pay fees for representation even if the worker does not want to. The National Right to Work Act is a bill that is attempting to change this by giving workers the right to figure out whether it is or not they wish to join the labor union and pay its fees (“National Right to Work Act”). It would be beneficial for those that do not wish to support the unions with their own money and have such a right to refuse to. When unions go on strike, they may be getting more benefits for their members, but they are also harming nonunion workers, because of the law of demands, when the wages for union workers goes up, the amount of employees will go down as the employers will not be willing to pay as many workers at that rate (Reynolds). Because of this, nonunion workers will be the first to go as they “are considered “at-will” employees and can be fired at any time for almost any reason” (“Union Plus”). Unions have actually also railroaded the “economic advance of blacks, women, and other minorities”. This is due to the fact that once they raise the wages, there is a limited amount of jobs available so the union can discriminate based off of “blood relationships or skin color” rather than giving the jobs to the most qualified applicants

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