
Essay On Racial Inequality

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Throughout America’s past, racial inequality has been a reoccurring theme in our society. Ever since the Europeans invaded America the white man has been superior compared to all ethnicities. No more than two hundred years ago, African Americans were slaves and only counted as three fifths of a person. Within the past hundred years African Americans have managed to obtain more equality in some situations, but in other cases racial inequality has become worse than it was when segregation took place. The gaps between the quality of education of white and black students receive appears to be growing instead of shrinking. The lack of quality education blacks receive has contributed to significant health differences between …show more content…

While a majority of African Americans schools received inadequate funding and inefficient teaching methods. White people also tend to have considerably higher health results than black people. Studies have shown that, “School quality may affect health through several significant mechanisms” (Frisvold, Golberstein). These mechanisms are employment, cognition, and social psychological resources. To receive proper employment you must have the proper education. An education allows the employee to obtain higher paying jobs, which allows him/her the privilege of obtaining sufficient medical care, a sheltered work environment, and a stress free environment. Education supports good cognitive ability, enabling you to make wise health care decisions and contributes to how fast you retain information when it comes to new scientific advances. Social psychological resources, support behavior that helps your body instead of making destructive decisions such as smoking nicotine, for example. With adequate social psychological resources available, one would know that there are no positive outcomes of smoking cigarettes, only lung cancer and possibly addiction. After desegregation occurred, black and white schools managed to maintain a similar level of quality, but some schools that were a majority African American still lagged behind. Today, educational inequality is still common even in multiracial schools, but especially in

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