
Language : The Importance Of Communication Through Body Language

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Language is building a fence with words until the sentence is complete. You take control of what you are trying to say and you build the fence. With multiple ways to communicate to someone through body language and words. A tool that can be used in different situations and that can be very diverse depending on who you are talking to. Language is a tool that attracts or pushes an audience away through both body language and the words they use. The way our language changes depending on who we’re talking to, a person’s body language, and the actual words that you use is important. It helps us to build a fairly strong fence or a weak one and that is why it is important. First and foremost language gives people a view and better understanding of what you are saying. Allowing them to take in what you said and analyze. Analyze how you are feeling about something through words. With that being said, today in this society we should care about language. It is important and plays a big role in society whether you know it or not. Language can be more than just a way to communicate. It also transfers images and ideologies that helps us to understand each other. Giving each other different ideas and images, providing a way for them to see or view something the way that you do. As stated in the article Invisible Technologies By Neil Postman “Language is pure ideology,” providing us with different ideas with every sentence. Or at least giving them something new to think about when we communicate using language. Also mentioned in Invisible Technologies was how “Language appears to be not an extension of our powers but simply a natural expression of who and what we are,” which to me says that language also helps a person to understand us. Giving images and different ideas of who we are and what we are through the natural expression of words. For those reasons language and body language are things that we should care about. Showing the reader your true emotion towards the subject. When you don’t care about something your body language seems to change. Going from shrugged shoulders to standing up straight with your head held high. Those two postures can convey two things, one is a very sad and unconfident

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