
Essay on Law Enforcement and Leadership

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Police leadership uses standardization and procedure as a way to create consistency and predict¬ability in law enforcement operations (Batts, Smoot, & Scrivner, 2012). The San Diego Police Department, like nearly all law enforcement agencies uses leadership models mimicking the United States military. Paramilitary organizations use highly structured framing to conduct business operations. The structural frame creates compartmentalized specialization, and predictable, uniform task performance desired by police executives. The tightly designed rank-and-file structure delineates locus power and control based on position (Bolman & Deal, 1991). Power rests at the top. Contained with this structure is top-down control of personnel, …show more content…

Line-level law enforcement officers, investigators supervisors, and police executives are more educated and sophisticated with technology in their arsenal to enhance job performance. Despite having better education, training, equipment, access to specialized resources, and information, law enforcement agencies struggle with sharing power with their workforce. The result of this failure to modernize leaves law enforcement officers going through the motions and working at less than maximum efficiency.

Purpose/Assessment of the need

The goal of project was to adapt an existing work group with the purpose of comparing and contrasting task oriented leadership communication models utilized in paramilitary organizations to relationship based leadership communication. Paramilitary structured organizations use outdated leadership models. Transformative leadership model utilizing shared power and collaboration was used to answer the question of relationship based leadership is as effective within a highly structured work groups accustomed to top down, high direction, low-task oriented leadership.

Law enforcement agencies in the United States reliance on the paramilitary structure model of the industrial and manufacturing era has become increasingly outdated and ineffective (Batts, Smoot, & Scrivner, 2012). Despite the change law enforcement agencies remain slow to adapt to

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