
Lbj Dbq

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Politics and power can do crazy things to people. It can change their minds of belief just to be in favor of others.That is exactly what LBJ did with his presidential powers of being in charge of the nation. LBJ was president from 1963 to 1969 and in this time he passed the Civil Rights Act, but for all his life he favored against this act. Why was he all of a sudden favoring it. Lyndon B. Johnson was politically favoring this act shown by favoring the nation's interest, the 1957 vote, and saying he was free at last from the senate's position.
Before Kennedy was dead in 1963, he was trying to pass the civil rights act the public thought he was moving too fast.Then when Kennedy was assassinated on November 22,1963, Lyndon B. Johnson took office and in 1964 the question of,” Do you think that the Johnson Administration is pushing integration too fast or not fast enough?” 39%(the majority)of the public responded that they were moving it at a pase that was just right. Then again in 1964 another question came up but it was different. It said,” Do you approve or disapprove the Johnson administration passing the civil rights act.” 57% of the …show more content…

This cartoon described L.B.J’s past. It showed this by presenting LBJ on the floor after tripping over a box. The box presented his past and how he has completely changed his view over the Civil Rights Act. In 1957 Johnson opposed the civil rights bill but was able to push a provision stating that anyone accused of violating the act you would get a jury trial. After passing this bill through congress johnson took out the teeth of the bill, by having an all white jury. Which meant if you did violate this bill you wouldn’t get charged for being guilty, because it was your friends were on the jury and they did the same thing as the person being accused. By doing this he was “punishing” people for what they did. Which possibly gave him more votes.(Doc

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