
Leadership Philosophy And Styles Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Jennifer Pumphrey
Professor Dr. Lena Maslennikova
LDST 201 Survey of Leadership
August 29, 2017

Week 2: Dialogue – “Leadership Philosophy & Styles”

If I were to try to strengthen my philosophy of leadership, what kinds of changes would I have to make in my assumptions about human nature, work, and how does this reflect my biblical understanding? If I make these changes, what impact will this have on others? These are all great questions; however, in 28 years of leadership experiences, I must say…a leader should always be strong in making decisions. Even when some people they lead are not motivated or self-motivators. I have realized that Theory X just need to be nudged and guided in a different way. While Theory Y are more a self-sufficient worker and easier to lead. Therefore, I would like to strengthen my philosophy of leadership. I would like to change my sociability, because it gives me the mentality to look or sound bossy. Don’t get me wrong, I know that leading sometimes looks …show more content…

I found this to be the best way to lead others. This helpes make a friendlier environment, which allowed them to freely exchange knowledge and ideas, as a team effort. My focus was inspired in how Jesus identified what was missing to see a great harvest of souls, in Matthew 9:37, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” Therefore, my views of leading changed towards how I impacted others. I chose to lead in the footsteps of Jesus. Jesus focused on true depth and long-term impact (Hyatt, 2017). This is how Jesus taught and led me in leadership:
1) He led himself: Self-leadership precedes team leadership and public influence. If you can’t lead yourself, you can’t (and shouldn’t) lead others.
2) He confided in the three: Peter, James, and John. They were his closest friends and confidants. His witnesses to his greatest glory (Mark 9:2-3). Took them to special outings (Matthew.

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