
Leadership Theories Of Leadership And Leadership

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hilosophers, political scientist, and psychologist have composed vast amount of literature on leader and leadership. Leadership is a broad term, open to interpretation. Leadership development begins with the simple realization that you want to be a leader. This literature review examines and evaluates major theories of leadership and summarizes findings from empirical research on leadership. Discuss the concept of leadership with a particular focus on the role leadership, such as collegiate organization. This literature will conclude with recommendation to enhance student leadership. Leadership have many descriptions from personality, traits, characteristics, activities, and types of goals. The importance of college leadership training, to develop leadership skills will be explained in this paper. An integrating conceptual framework is presented to show how the different theories and lines of research fit together. Keywords: Leadership, Trait, leadership development, higher education
Leadership Literature Review
No single definition is able to encompass the complex idea of leadership. (Stogdill ,1974) “Leadership is the initiation and maintenance of structure in expectation and interaction” (p.411). Leadership is a word that has many meanings and can be interpreted in many different ways. The role of the leader is very important in an educational environment. Common ideas of leadership are leading people, influencing people, commanding people and guiding people.

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