
Leadership and Change Essay

Decent Essays

Change is when a person does not follow their everyday routine. They may want to try something different, or be forced to. Change can be for the good and the bad. Places can deal with change ranging from the weather, to the animals present, or the seasons changing. Also, objects can deal with change too. Objects like an iceberg can start to melt, or a forest fire can kill many trees in an area. As a human, we are the ones deciding on change. We are in a position to make big decisions and possibly even become a leader in order for change to happen. If one person starts to change, others will follow and hopefully, the change benefits all. Change affects us in the work place, participating on a team, and in society. …show more content…

If a leader took initiative to show others the seriousness of global warming, we could save animals lives. The penguins from the book Our Iceberg is Melting, had a mixture of emotions while dealing with change. Some embraced the change of moving icebergs while others tried to convince the others moving was a bad idea. The penguins embraced change by having Fred discover their iceberg was in danger. He then told Alice, who is a penguin with higher authority and they formed a bigger team of penguins. “None of those with whom Alice spoke showed any enthusiasm about the idea of swimming into a big dark cave” (Our Iceberg pg 20). The team of penguins brought the idea of changing icebergs to the colonies attention and had their scouts search for a new home. After searching, the scouts found a new iceberg which was safer for the penguins and in the end, most of the penguins adapted to their new home and made new traditions. The move was a success and some of the penguins who were originally against the change are happier with the new iceberg. This past year the Stockton Softball team hired a new coach to add our staff. The hitting coach was new to all the returning players because we had never had a coach specifically for hitting and a new addition to the staff. The whole team and I had to adapt to change because the new coach had new rules, expectations, and

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