
Lean And Six Sigma Strategies Essay

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Introduction Having such advancements and increasing stream of innovation, imaging technologies today provides greater speed and superior image quality. At the same time, the benefit to the organization and especially the patients, may not be fully realized when the workflow is obstructed by inefficiencies. Although many organizations have the latest equipment installed, they still face delays in report-turnaround time and a backlog of patients waiting for appointments. This diminished capacity and productivity can lead to variety of problems for the facilities, they can be-
• Emergency department bottlenecks.
• Delay in diagnosis and treatment.
• Increased length of stay.
• Patient dissatisfaction.
• Referring physician dissatisfaction.
• Potential loss of outpatient business
• Loss of revenue.

For process optimization, the leading edge should properly be aligned with the people and process steps involved in the delivery of safe and cost-effective patient care, apart from technology. Lean and Six Sigma is the approach which are proven to be effective involves the implementation of technical strategies. Lean and Six Sigma strategies would use DMAIC methodology which can eliminate non-value added steps that cause delays, pinpoint root causes for defects and variability and remove inefficiency and redundancies that can undermine any organization’s best efforts.
Implementing the Six Sigma Methodology and DMAIC Phases
If a hospital or diagnostic imaging center decides that

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